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Welcome to Rogers Arena Division 1307



The St. John Division attached to Rogers Arena in Vancouver BC, & part of the Lower Mainland Area 


Rogers Arena Operation is a fast-paced division which covers around over 130 events a year, including concerts, comedy shows, conventions, UFC tournaments, Dance Events, Vancouver Canucks hockey games, Vancouver Warriors lacrosse games, along with small private skating events and fan experience events, to name a few. 

We are responsible for the first aid needs of up to 18,750 guests and an additional 400-500 staff that work at Rogers Arena every event. We have all sorts of incidents, ranging from cuts, scrapes and blister prevention, to alcohol and drug intoxication, seizures, strokes, neurological issues, anaphylaxis reactions, chest pain (heart attacks), abdominal pain, blood sugar issues (diabetics), multiple traumas (fights, concussions, broken arms, and legs). Generally, we require our members to put in a minimum of 100 hours to remain in good standing with our division but we do make some exceptions for the most highly trained volunteers due to their work demands.

All our events are within the confines of Rogers Arena, generally out of two first aid rooms (on levels 100 and 300). We sometimes are also able to use the first aid room on Level 000, which is normally reserved for other organizations and security OFA attendants. Rogers Arena is a convenient place to do SJA duties as it provides us with multiple options for food, and drinks at 50% off. We also feel safe while volunteering at Rogers as we have access to security within the building, police on many events and fan experience supervisors which assist in our calls to make any injury less traumatic and safer. We currently have 4 parking spots, which we can park in the parkade for all non hockey events (we park several blocks away in a staff lot for Canucks games). Rogers Arena provides shelter from the weather as all our events are inside, with only the occasional need to treat outside. We are cool in the summer, warm in the winter, and have bathrooms available on-site.


Since we have such a high exposure at Rogers Arena, our events are highly sought after by volunteers for the experience that we can provide our members. As a result, we expect our members to be well-trained, and keep up with their respective practices to provide the best care possible to our patients. Although we practice to the level of Medical First Responder, most of our divisional members are higher-trained than the Medical First Responder Certification the organization requires, and hold a professional license. Most of our EMA Licensed volunteers are dually trained as OFA3 attendants, which WorkSafe BC requires to treat the staff and volunteers at Rogers Arena as it is a higher risk workplace. We also have experts in many disciplines, such as dentistry, physiotherapy, nursing and several family and other medical doctors that volunteer with us. Although we only treat at the level of Medical first responder, our higher trained volunteers still use the higher level of training assessments to treat all of our patients. this means patients get the best care, and the scope of practice is protected because higher training equipment and medications are simply not available at the arena, keeping the standard of care the same for everyone, from event to event.


To summarize, Rogers Arena Division 1307 is one of the most active and energetic divisions around, with a great leadership team and many volunteers who want nothing more than share their skills and knowledge with those around them. We always welcome new volunteers who may want to help out, gain practical experience and have a blast doing it all. 

2024 Division 1307 Rogers Arena Operations

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