Social Media Links
Our division currently uses multiple social media platforms to keep pur members connected and informed. Each carries a unique balance of interactions with members from your division.
​Click on IMAGES below to be directed to which ever social media platform you wish to access.
Our WhatsApp Community
We use a WhatsApp community to connect and communicate with all of our members. in this community, we have many chats, including the social chat which all of our members should be a part of. We also have smaller groups, for our young members to connect, for our PCP students, for our EMR students to study and connect, as well as more social groupls for Pokemon Go users, our police officers and other groups to connect.
Roggies Thirteen O'Seven Facebook Account
The Roggies Thirteen-O'Seven Facebook account is our Divisional Facebook Account. it lets us connect with our members and friends and holds our divisional Private facebook group. Please feel free to add this account to your friend list, as it will also help the Rogers Arena Division keep up with its members.
This facebook group is only for members of division 1307 Rogers Arena Division members. Information is often shared through the group as only our members have access to it. all members of the division who have a facebook account should have access to this group.
Our Divisional Instagram Account is also used to pass on information to instagram users. a lot of posts shared on facebooks will be shared on instagram as well for those users.
Not owned or operated by Division 1307, this podcast is owned and operated by several of Division 1307 members who wanted to share information and stories related to Division 1307 Rogers Arena Division. it is housed on Instagram and managed by those volunteers.
Every Movember... euh November... its time to think about men/s health. Some of our members grow a moustache, raise finds or contribute in other ways to support the Movember Movement. Naturally, Division 1307 has its own team. clicking the image will directly add you to to our team, and invite you to create your own profile at Movember.com. this is not directly related to our division but as many of our members like to participate, we have made it possible. this is usually only active near and on November of each year.
Other Helpful Links
Every Member of our division has been provided with a St John Ambulance Email Account. this account is generally your first name "dot" your last name @ sjabcy.ca. most of your certificates or outer emails will be sent to this email account. In order to log in to this account please click on the image, and log in with the whole email as the username (firstname.lastname@sjabcy.ca) and the password provided. If you have not yet changed your password, please email rogers.arena@sjabcy.ca to get it. if you have forgotten your password, you must also contact the above address to have it reset as this must be done by your superintendent, who will contact our head office during business hours.
In addition to usual Microsoft Office online perks, your email account allows you access to microsoft teams. We will eventually do a lot more with teams, such as online meetings or seminars, additional respurces and more. please sign in the same way as for your email, with he whole email as the username (firstname.lastname@sjabcy.ca) and the password provided.
Since St john Ambulance has moved away from Better Impact/MyImpact, it has since been replaced with the VMS which is where your volunteer information is saved. This is where we sign up for events, see our hours grow and so much more. For additional help to get started with VMS, please click here.
Everything you want to know about parking at the arena, all in one place.